In most blog tours, a single author appears on a variety of blogs, moving around the Internet and allowing the readers of those blogs get to know the author.

In the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour, the authors stay on their blogs and it's you, the reader, who takes the tour.

Each month, our participating authors from around the world agree to blog on a single topic throughout the month. By following the links in each month's post, you'll discover a whole bunch of new authors in a variety of genres, levels of experience, and styles of writing.

We hope you enjoy the trip and come back each month for a new spin around the globe.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Do you base your characters on real people? I avoid it. I have characters, which have got inspiration from real people, but I never use them as one-on-one. I develop them all myself and though I borrow line or two from friends, I find it unethical to base entire form on them. Not only because it can tare people apart, but because they trust me not to end up in my books and I respect them for it. I write fantasies, after all and it’s not easy to walk around being judged by some outsider’s view on your life. In your local newspaper there is a discussion over ending support for light reading in libraries to support more local writers. What do you think of it? You can read more of this from the blog.