In most blog tours, a single author appears on a variety of blogs, moving around the Internet and allowing the readers of those blogs get to know the author.

In the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour, the authors stay on their blogs and it's you, the reader, who takes the tour.

Each month, our participating authors from around the world agree to blog on a single topic throughout the month. By following the links in each month's post, you'll discover a whole bunch of new authors in a variety of genres, levels of experience, and styles of writing.

We hope you enjoy the trip and come back each month for a new spin around the globe.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Earliest Writing Dreams

It's weird. I don't think that I've ever dreamed of writing. Its always been something I've done. I suppose that as I've grown older and my writing has become more...voluminous...and book worthy I have started to dream a bit more.

It started as a common tease between my husband (also a writer) and I. My husband seeing an older Jaguar car and my little response: "When I'm anonymously famous," or "When I write a best selling novel."

Come read more on my blog!